I would like to support the following ministries of E.F.C.C.!
如以上之基金日後一旦結束,其餘款項將由執委會決定調撥以支持相關範疇之事工。 Once the above funds are closed in the future, the remaining balance would be allocated by the Executive Committee to support related ministries.
* 因銀行金融上的要求,每次捐獻港幣五萬元為上限(同一張信用卡最多可捐獻五次),如捐獻多於五萬元,煩請分開多次捐獻,謝謝!
* Due to the restriction of the bank, maximum donation amount is HK$50,000 each time, and maximum 5 times for the same credit card. If donation amount is more than HK$50,000, please proceed several times, thank you!
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