美國播道會榮休宣教士、前播道醫院院長、本會前執委李約翰先生 (Mr. John H. Neir) 於二零一五年一月二日在美息勞,在世寄居七十八載。李約翰先生於一九六四年來港,二零零七年榮休,期間協助總會暨多間堂會的植堂、主日學、講壇等事奉。亦先後擔任播道醫院院長、播道會香港差會創會總幹事及本會伙伴機構醫療關懷有限公司總裁,榮休後仍致力關懷服事國內同胞,本會為表悼念,謹訂於本年三月八日(主日)下午四時假播道書院 (將軍澳至善街7號) 中學禮堂舉行追思禮拜,屆時李太何德理教士回港出席,歡迎各界人士蒞臨,歸榮上主,共表追思!謹此訃
中國基督教播道會總會 敬告
From the Evangelical Free Church of China Conference
Our hearts are greatly saddened at the news of our beloved co-worker Mr. John Neir’s home-going. We’ll always cherish his memory and grateful to him for literally spending his life bringing the Gospel to China and Hong Kong. His important contributions as Administrator of Evangel Hospital, to the Free Church Conference and to HK Mission Board are much appreciated. We are thankful to Mrs. Dorice Neir for her support and labor behind the scene as well.
The Neirs arrived our Hong Kong field on Jan. 23 1964 on Dorice’s birthday. They served until 2007 when John reached the age of 70, Their 43 years of faithful missionary service are admirable both for the EFCA and EFCC.
Mr Neir also served for many years as Hong Kong and China Field Chairman for ReachGlobal, EFCA, known as Overseas Missions Dept. in his days. Under his able leadership, the co-operation between the EFCA and EFCC was much enhanced.
Mr Neir loved the Evangelical Free Church of China affectionately. He was an elected member of Executive Board and served faithfully as English Secretary. His wisdom was often seen in the chairmanship of the Board of Evangel Seminary for more than ten years. He was also an elected member of the Board of Evangel Children’s Home.
When we founded our Hong Kong Missions Board in 1987, we could not find anyone to lead. Mr. Neir graciously accepted our invitation to be our first General Secretary, to map and to plan the beginning of missionary outreach of our Denomination. He continued to serve our Missions Board for twenty years until his retirement.
When China began to open to benevolent work, he was first to establish the MediCare Organization in 1995, using his rich experience in medical administration and Christian Witness to reach China.
His commitment, passion and concern for people are most admirable. During his forty three years of missionary service, he has made close friendship with the people in Hong Kong and Wubei Province.
His involvement in Evangelical Free Churches such as Frist EFC, Grace, Elim has won life-long friendship. We love him dearly and pray that he would overcome cancer as he did twenty some years ago. I have quoted Rev. 14:13 many times, but seldom do I find such a degree of appropriateness when applied to Mr. John Neir.
“And I heard a voice from heaven saying, ‘Write this; Blessed are the dead
Who die in the Lord henceforth.’
“Blessed indeed,” says the Spirit, “that they may rest from their labors, for
Their deeds follow them.”
May our Lord comfort Mrs Dorice Neir, your Children and grandchildren, and may the peace beyond understanding abide with you.
SO Chun Ho,
Evangelical Free Church of China Conference
3 January 2015